The C1, C2 & C3 will operate to a Bank Holiday schedule on Monday the 2nd of August. To view/ download the Bank Holiday timetables visit our timetable webpage.
The CM301W Door to Door service will run as per schedule. All other services including the M1, M2, 176 & 929 will not be in operation on Monday the 2nd of August.
Face masks should be worn & capacity is capped at 75%. The office will be closed on Monday and will reopen on Tuesday the 3rd of August. If you need any assistance before then or have a question contact us via social media or call the office today on 047 51840 – 9am to 5pm
Wishing you all a happy and safe Bank Holiday – from all the staff at TFI Local Link Cavan Monaghan
#locallinkcm #bankholiday