Route 929 will commence September 3rd and operate six days a week with four daily return services in both directions servicing Corlough Devines Cross, Ballinamore, Newtowngore, Killeshandra and Cavan town.
“The service is primarily aimed at those who may wish to attend further education and employment opportunities in Cavan town as well as meeting medical needs” says Manager of Local Link Padraic Smyth.
Local Link Cavan Monaghan intensified efforts to ensure the service would be in place for the September 2018 academic year, providing students with an affordable regular public transport option.
The planning and research surrounding the introduction of the service has been greatly supported by many of the agencies and the village communities along the route. The timetable was designed to accommodate morning commuters and with multiple return options it is envisaged the service will provide a realistic opportunity for people seeking education or employment Cavan town as well as providing access via Cavan bus station to Cavan General hospital.
This service will complement our existing high frequency services in operation, offering connections for passengers from Cavan to Ballyhaise on C1, Ballinagh on C2 and Redhills on C3.
A full list of all bus services is available on our timetable page or by calling 047 51840 and requesting a timetable.