TFI Local Link Cavan Monaghan is enhancing bus services from Corlough to Cavan from Sunday the 1st of October.
This enhancement is part of the Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan which is a major national public transport initiative developed and funded by the National Transport Authority (NTA) as part of the Transport for Ireland (TFI) Network.
Route 929 will now operate five daily return services Monday to Saturday and three daily return services on Sunday and Bank Holidays. The route will offer enhanced connectivity to villages and areas such as Ballinamore, Newtowngore, Taffs Cross and Killashandra.
The enhanced route will continue to provide peak-time services for commuters and will offer improved connectivity to Cavan Bus Station and regional bus services.
Speaking ahead of the launch TFI Local Link Cavan Monaghan, Manager Padraic Smyth said:
“Working in partnership with the NTA, we are delighted to deliver the addition of Sunday and Bank Holiday schedules on the 929 service, and we believe that this will be welcomed by the rural communities along the route. It serves to continue our targets of improving the sustainable mobility options for the people in this region.”
For route and timetable information, visit our timetable page or call the office on 047 51840
To learn more about the five year Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan visit: